Developing a love of success and achievement!

One of our favourite times of the week in Reception is 'Celebration Assembly'. A core part of our pedagody is rewarding children for their efforts and sharing these with the group. Consequently, linked to our Growth Guide, we raise children's self-esteem and create a culture of aspiration that we want all of our children to strive for every week in our care!


Miss Spence writes...


Today we had our assembly to celebrate our fabulous readers that had read more than three times this week and had it recorded in their yellow book! We then had a lucky dip of all the children that had read more than three times, where two children were picked at random to come up and collect a prize. Wow! super impressed with how many children have been reading at home this week! Our superstars of the week were E and L-A for always being ready to learn. Well done ladies!