Year 4 PE

As the Spring term comes to an end year 4 have been incredibly busy in their PE lessons, over this term they have looked at Gymnastics, Tag Rugby and Rounders. 

Mr Watson has been very impressed with so many of the year 4's and the standard of gymnastics. The children have really developed their skills over the past few years and now putting some excellent sequences together. These include, shapes and how the body moves, to balances and rolls that flow from one to another as well as jumps and use of equipment to perform.

They have also picked up all elements of tag rugby to be able to play a game and Mr Watson, again is looking forward to this year group moving into year 5 and playing more. Lots of the children have shown an interest in representing the school in tournaments and fixtures in the future.

Thirdly, they have been looking at the game of rounders, the elements within the game and how they put them together to work as a team to play a game against another team.

Fantastic year 4!