Vision and Values

HPS Vision


Our vision is for our children to be happy and responsible young people who achieve their best through learning to be resourceful, skilful and resilient.


Within the emblem above you will see that everything sits within the solidarity provided by the Fundamental British Values: Freedom and Liberty, The Rule of Law, Democracy, Tolerance and Mutual Respect

With those key values as our fundamental base, we can build upon the platform with tools and opportunities that feed young minds: The National Curriculum, Collaboration and Community, Our Character Growth Guide and Innovation and new technologies.



Thus, held firm within our British values and fed by our community and curriculum etc, we are in a secure place to allow children to explore in a safe and self led manner. SOLE puts self-sufficiency and resourcefulness at the core of learning.

Ultimately, as we flow from the outer ring through to the middle, we will have provided all the ingredients and environment for the World Ready People we desire.  


We are growing Self Organised Learners through our S.O.L.E. approach to teaching in conjunction with promoting our Growth Guide. 


(For more in depth explanation do explore both individual pages for both SOLE and The Growth Guide, within this tab.)


School Motto

"Good, better, best, never let it rest until your good is better and your better is your best."