🏃‍♀️ Y5/6 Sportshall Athletics 🏃‍♂️



How well do you think you can run, jump, bounce and throw? Well, our brilliant athletes from years 5 & 6 proved they could do all of these with focus, energy and determination when they represented HPS at the inter-school competition on Friday. Races were run with lightning-quick speed - knocking 3+ seconds off of other schools’ times; jumps were long - even when faced with the triple jump for the first time; speed bounce counts were insane - 42+ in just 30 seconds! Yet, when baton change overs were not as smooth as we’d have liked or when slips and falls occurred when turning off from the reversa boards, they rallied around one another: the support and encouragement they had for one another was amazing! An incredible team performance - well done everyone. 🙂