
Welcome to our Governors section.


Please find below details of how our Governing Body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.


  • Janet Lavelle: co-opted (Chair) 28.4.23- 27.4.27 (second term) FGB, Resources, T&L, HT appraisal, Curriculum, Maths, Science, greater depth pupils
  • Rebecca Buss: parent (Vice Chair) 7.2.23- 6.2.27 (second term) FGB, Resources (Chair), Pay committee, T&L, HT appraisal, PP lead, Safeguarding lead, GDPR lead, PHSE, RE, French
  • Vacancy: co-opted 
  • Amy Brooker: co-opted 5.2.21- 4.2.25 FGB, T&L IT, Art and DT, Music
  • Yvonne Dobson: co-opted 11.3.22-10.3.26 FGB, T&L (Chair), HT appraisal, PE, Reading, writing and phonics
  • Vacancy: co-opted
  • Aaron Ware: parent 30.6.23- 29.6.27 FGB, T&L, SEND, EAL
  • Lisa Garland: parent 23.2.24- 22.2.28 FGB, T&L
  • Rebecca Cozic: parent 19.4.24- 18.4.28 FGB, Resources
  • Vacancy: parent
  • Phil Twiss: LA 6.3.22- 5.3.26 FGB, Resources, Pay committee, Community governor
  • Georgie Smith (was Tonna): Staff 14.11.22- 13.11.26 FGB, T&L


No longer on governing body but have been in the last 12 months-

  • Amy Alcock- term ended 4.10.24

Governing Body - Further Information


Janet Lavelle, our Chair of Governors, can be contacted via the school address or by email,


The Governing Body assists the Headteacher and the staff to decide on the school’s aims and strategic improvement. They also have a responsibility to provide the Headteacher and staff with support, constructive advice and information and to monitor and evaluate the school’s effectiveness.


The Headteacher and staff are accountable to the Governing Body for the school’s management and performance.


The Governing Body is made up of volunteers. We have five Parent Governors, who bring their own expertise as parents. Five Co-opted Governors who are invited by the Governing Body to become members as they have specific areas of expertise. Two Staff Governors, including the Headteacher, to represent the views and expertise of the staff. One Local Authority Governor who represent the Local Authority.


The Governing Body meet at least once per term. Each Governor is also a member of a least one sub-committee. These committees which meet at least termly are:-


  • Teaching & Learning Committee
  • Resources Committee


For further information about being a Governor or any other questions please contact Janet Lavelle, Chair of Governors, through the school.


Governing body minutes, including committee minutes, are public documents unless they are confidential. Please contact the Clerk to the Governors through the school if you wish to access them. 


The minutes of our meetings are available from the school on request.

Declaration of Interests September 2024


Janet Lavelle (Chair)



Amy Brooker


Pupils at HPS






Yvonne Dobson






Grandchildren at HPS

Phil Twiss


June 21- DCC Portfolio Holder for Finance which includes the Direct Schools Grant for all publicly funded schools

Oct 21- DCC Cabinet member for Finance

Christopher Tribble 



Rebeccca Buss (Vice Chair)


Pupils at HPS

Aaron Ware


Pupils at HPS 

Lisa Garland


Pupils at HPS

Rebecca Cozic


Pupils at HPS




Georgie Smith (was Tonna)





Attendance at governor meetings-


FGB- 10.5.21- Apologies- PT, DJ, SB Attendees- CT, JL, RB, SG, TC, YT, AA, AB, MLG

FGB- 28.6.21- Apologies- PT Attendees- CT, JL, RB, SG, TC, YT, AA, AB, MLG, SB

FGB- 20.9.21- Apologies- MLG Attendees- CT, JL, RB, SG, TC, YT, AA, AB, SB, PT

FGB- 10.1.22- Apologies- PT, SB Attendees- CT, JL, RB, SG, TC, YT, AA, AB, NP

FGB- 5.4.22- Apologies- SB Attendees- JL, RB, SG, YD, CT, YT, AA, AB, NP, PT

FGB- 19.7.22- Apologies- SB, NP Attendees- CT, JL, RB, SG, YD, YT, AA, AB, PT

FGB- 20.9.22- Apologies- SB, PT Attendees- CT, JL, RB, SG, YD, YT, AA, AB, PT

FGB- 17.10.22- Attendees- CT, JL, RB, SG, YD, YT, AA, AB, PT

FGB- 9.1.23- Apologies- SG, PT Attendees- CT, JL, RB, YD, GT, YT, AA, AB

Extra FGB- 7.2.23- Apologies- YD, PT Attendees- CT, JL, RB, SG, GT, YT, AA, AB

Extra FGB- 20.3.23- Apologies- YD, PT, RB Attendees- CT, JL, GT, SG, YT, AA, AB


Resources- 26.4.21- Attendees- SG, CT, DJ, RB, SB, JL, YT, AA, PT

Resources- 14.6.21- Attendees- CT, SG, RB, PT, YT, AA, SB, JL

Resources- 11.10.21- Apologies- PT Attendees- RB, SG, YT, CT, SB, JL

Resources- 6.12.21- Apologies- PT Attendees- CT, RB, SG, YT, TC, SB, JL

Resources- 24.1.22- Apologies- SG Attendees- CT, RB, PT, NP, YT, TC, SB, JL

Resources- 28.3.22- Apologies- CT, RB, NP, PT Attendees- YT, SG, JL

Resources- 23.5.22- Apologies- SB, PT Attendees- CT, RB, NP, YT, SG, JL

Resources special meeting- 8.6.22- Attendees- CT, RB, YT, SG

Resources- 11.7.22- Apologies- NP, SB Attendees- CT, RB, PT, YT, SG, JL

Resources- 10.10.22- Apologies- SG, CT, YT Attendees- RB, PT, JL

Resources- 5.12.22- Attendees- CT, RB, PT, YT, SG, JL, GT

Resources- 23.1.23- Apologies- SG Attendees- CT, RB, PT, YT, GT, JL



T&L- 27.4.21- Attendees- YT, CT, JL, TC, SB. AA, RB, MLG, AB

T&L- 12.10.21- Attendees- CT, YT, RB, AA, AB, SB, JL

T&L- 11.1.22- Attendees- CT, YT, RB, AA, AB, SB, JL

T&L- 10.5.22- Apologies- RB, SB Attendees- CT, YT, YD, AA, AB, JL

T&L- 19.7.22- Apologies- SB Attendees- CT, YT, YD, AA, AB, JL, RB

T&L- 11.10.22- Apologies- AA Attendees- CT, YT, YD, JL, RB, AB

T&L- 10.1.23- Apologies AB Attendees- CT, YT, YD, JL, RB, AA, GT