
Message from Headteacher, Mr Tribble:Vision Circle - World Ready People

Thank you for your interest in our school.


Our school vision is for our children to be World Ready People: happy, responsible young people who achieve their best.


We also have a school motto: good, better, best, never let it rest, until your good is better and your better best.


At Honiton Primary school we value each and every child achieving their full potential academically and also as future citizens. Through building learning behaviours we aim to help children become better learners, both in school and out. We seek to create habits and attitudes that will enable our pupils to face challenges calmly, confidently, creatively and collaboratively. Our aim is to cultivate our student’s resilience, resourcefulness, reflectiveness and collaboration skills so they can understand ideas more deeply, achieve more and find learning more enjoyable.


Another key aspect of our school is our social, moral, spiritual and emotional curriculum. As a respectful school, our children grow up aware of the difference between wants and needs and equipped with a toolkit to support them in navigating our increasingly complex world.


All of our staff are committed to developing the character of our children through encouraging them to work hard, embracing the struggles of learning, accepting that mistakes are part of the journey to personal excellence. We aim for this excellence in all that we do, recognising that it is the gradual result of always striving to do better – hence our motto. We believe wholeheartedly that for education to be successful, our children will flourish not only academically but through their love of learning.


This website gives you a glimpse of our school and you are warmly invited to visit us yourself to find out more about Honiton Primary School.

Best wishes,


Mr T


Our vision is for our children to be World Ready People: happy and responsible young people who achieve their best.


Our Promise

Children can expect to: learn in a language rich environment; become confident and articulate learners; experience an inspiring and engaging curriculum and show respect for the rights of others.


School motto

Good, better, best, never let it rest until your good is better and your better best

Visit our School

Visits to the school are most welcome: To arrange a visit please use the contact form below, or ring the school office on 01404 548700 during school hours