Weather Update

Good Morning All,


A clear and frosty start to the day.


School is open as usual and Mr Brice is already gritting our paths and pavements to aid a safe arrival.  Both myself and the Governors have been in conversation this morning and are keeping abreast of updates from the Met Office and the Devon County Councils portals available to us.


We are quite aware that a weather front is moving through later, which could fall as either heavy rain with sleet or indeed snow. If it does comes through as snow then we will obviously consider the safety of children, collecting parents and commuting staff at the earliest venture.


Recently, a letter was sent regarding procedures in the event of snow and I will have this re-sent as a matter of course for those that perhaps missed it.


I will endeavour to keep you updated at least hourly and will liaise with Honiton Community College also as many of you will have children with us but also with them.


Wrap up, help the children pick out some boots perhaps and put some spare socks in their bag or pocket. Maybe an extra snack?


See you all shortly and take care.


Mr Tribble and the Governors