Year 2 - Birch Class Sleepover!

Year 2 - Birch Class Sleepover!


Wow! What a fantastic evening full of pizza, popcorn and most importantly…..FUN!


From the moment the children arrived they were so excited for what lay ahead of them.  Beds were blown up and made, cuddly toys shown off and lots of excitable screeches and shouting could be heard for miles around (I wouldn’t be surprised 😂)


Games were played, pizza and chips were eaten, marshmallows were toasted and the children even got to be their own little fire starters using a flint and steel!  This was all closely followed by a pyjama parade, movie and popcorn and a late night walk around the school before heading off to bed to sleep.  


No one was upset, they all settled down relatively quickly and lots of snoring could be heard echoing around the rooms.  


As dawn broke, the first child woke up at 5am and swiftly all the boys were up.  This was closely followed by all the girls who joined them in the SOLE room for games and movies whilst we waited for the remaining sleepers.


Breakfast was eaten, bedding and bags were packed so there was only 1 thing left to do…!  


The children had a blast and despite being tired, so did the teachers!  Roll on 2 weeks for Elm Class!