Year 2 - Hook Day!

What a creative day we have had!


Today we launched our new topic of Towers,Tunnels and Turrets with the children and what a blast we have had.


As this learning journey will focus on the history of Britain and its monarchy, what better way than to create our own crowns and become kings and queens ourselves!  Some of us wore them all day and I definitely noticed some bowing and curtsying going on around the school 😁


We followed that by drawing a self portrait of us as a monarch, designed and built bridges ready for a science experiment and discussed and explored which materials are best for building the tallest towers. There were some varying results, but discussions were had across the Year about it needing a wide base, sturdy columns and supports. I was impressed with the teamwork shown and the choices of materials used. 


We can’t wait to really get our teeth stuck in now and are excited for the learning still to come!