Year 3 - Better late than never!

Not at my usual time today; oh the joys of relying on the internet!!


But alas,  once again I have seen lots of fabulous examples of learning from children across Year 3.  I have seen amazing stories written, GPS activities completed, some amazing poems and some phenomenal artwork all linked to our topic of Tremors. It's been hard to get through all the pictures because of how many there have been!  You guys are truly amazing and completely dedicated to your learning.  You should all be feeling really proud of what you are achieving because I know that we are!


I've attached the pictures that I have received today and as you can see, there are LOADS showing off FABULOUS learning!


Monday's tasks and videos are uploaded ready for you to have a look over or prepare, but make sure you have some time off this weekend to relax and have fun as a family!


Missing you all loads, but super proud each and every day.