Year 4 - Mental Health Awareness, Circle Time

This afternoon, we spent some time together sharing our thoughts and feelings in our ‘safe space’ circle.  Our focus was on worries and anxieties that we may have and any strategies we could use to help us when we needed to.  We spoke about the importance of both a healthy body and healthy mind.  


We we created our class’ ‘Worries Potion’ by writing down a worry we had and putting it in a jar.  This then had the lid put on tight so they couldn’t then bother us.  After, we came up with different ideas and strategies we could use to help each other when we were feeling low - this was our ‘Worry Remedy’. 


I was was blown away by the maturity within the room and by how many strategies that knew and had they could share. It was a great afternoon and everyone learnt so much.  We are now going to keep our ‘remedy potion’ in the class for those moments they are needed.